ARRGG!! Poison Oak!! BOO!
I have some very good advice that you should all take. Do NOT kiss a doggie on their face. I have a habit of kissing dogs on their forehead or cheek, because I love to cuddle them, but don't like them to lick me. HOWEVER, this is still not a good idea if the doggie in question is indoor/outdoor, has a creek landscaped with poison oak and other dubious shrubery that they run around in, and love to have attention.
I have poison oak on. my. lips.
This is really stinky. I look like I have had a collagen shot. Thankfully, my exposure was light, so the rash I have is pretty much just on my upper lip, and my inner wrists. But boy, my wrists sure do itch something awful. It goes in cycles actually. I can have no itching for hours and then suddenly it itches so bad it feels almost like a burning sensation. This feeling can be so strong that it can wake me up in the middle of the night. Like last night. I woke up twice trying to tear a hole in my arm. Washing with soap and cold water seems to knock the itch right down though, so that's what I've been doing.
I found fresh rash on my neck!!
I'm going to change our sheets and my pillow case.
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