Saturday, July 17, 2004


Well, I go on stage in exactly 1 hour.  Our Dress Rehearsal went very well, for the most part.  We did have to modify a stage exit, from exiting to the left to instead exiting to the right.  Originally, we were going to run around the back so that we could re-enter the stage from the opposite side, but this theater had like 4 doors we had to go through, a very long hallway, a bunch of people in the way, and we were completely late and winded when we tried it the first time.  So much for that idea!  Now we just exit the floor directly to the spot that we re-enter at.  Much better!  
**Update** The show was GREAT!! We all danced really well and didn't do anything embarrassing, like fall down.  The little girls who were only 3-4 years old were soo cute!! Also, for their age did a reasonably good job of it.